Unique Dog Training Course

Are you looking for a way to train your dog or puppy?

Online Training Course

I have been reluctant to write an article on training your dog. There is so much information on how to train your dog and it is all really similar. I have always thought, with repetition, rewards, and having fun I got pretty good results. Didn’t feel there was too much I could offer other than maybe some motivation and things that have worked for me.

I have used treats, clickers, I even have one dog that will respond instantly to one of those bells you see on a service counter. I have always just done what worked.

I happened across this site in doing some research and have been using this course for brain training for dogs. I never really knew it would be possible to promote your dog’s intelligence. I now have two dogs that will give me their attention on command, even if there are several distractions.

Unique Training Course

Genius Dog 336 x 280 - AnimatedBrain Training For Dogs is a course for online dog training. It is managed by Adrienne Farricelli. She is a professional trainer certified by CCPDT. Her work has appeared in publications such as USA Today, EveryDog Magazine, and APDT Chronicle Of The Dog.

According to her, this training is the newest, funkiest, tail waggingest dog training course around. I have to say, my pups and I have had fun and they are responding well.

Starting out it all seems to be the normal approach to training. There are several tips and tricks to help you gain your dog’s attention and help them enjoy it. This is a fundamental approach to start improving your dog’s intelligence.

What Makes It Unique

Genius Dog 300 x 600 - Animated
Once you have the basics down through following the guidelines and grading you and your dog’s progress. It’s time to learn some things that will help.

The main reason I liked this program is Adrienne’s thought process goes along with a lot of the things I have based my articles on. All of the training is focused on the well being of all the coolest dogs on the planet!

She emphasizes the importance of keeping your dog mentally alert. Even though feeding games that eliminate the laziness we have bred into them unconsciously by simply filling their food bowl. Dogs are instinctively supposed to hunt for food. Simple things like that will unleash the mental activity that promotes intelligence in a dog.

Check It out

Go to braintraining4dogs.com and check it out for yourself. Once on the site, you can create an account for free and get some cool training games for you and your dog for free.

I think once you see how this works you will be more inclined to purchase the full training course. Or you can do that by clicking on one of the banners on this page.

Dogs Love It, Owners Do Too

This course has worked for so many people including myself. Adrienne has it down and explains things in a way that you and your dog can understand.

Teach Ring Stackers 300 x 250 - Animated

Like I said before, I thought dog training was just a process that you went through to help your dog realize what you want them to do. This unique dog training course will help you understand how to unleash (no pun intended) real intelligence and improve obedience and learn new tricks.


I hope this helps and improves the lives of all the coolest dogs on the planet!


6 thoughts on “Unique Dog Training Course”

  1. I have had a few dogs in my life and just trained them with whatever worked as well.  Dogs are great learners and are willing to learn if you are willing to be patient and learn how they like to be taught.  One thing I have struggled with is keeping my dog’s mind busy in his old age lately.  He is a 14 year old Yorkie and since I’m home more because of Covid, he always wants to hang out and do activities to keep his mind stimulated.  Maybe something like this would be a good experience for him!

    • Hi, 

      I have learned a lot from this training course. It is definitely something to help keep their mind busy. That is always a good thing. especially if they are older and willing to participate!

      Thanks for the comment!


  2. Hello there!  thanks for sharing this article on dog training. Learning that training  For Dogs is a course for online dog training and that it is managed by Adrienne Farricelli is really great. She is a professional trainer certified by CCPDT. Her work has appeared in publications such as USA Today, EveryDog Magazine, and APDT Chronicle Of The Dog. Thanks for sharing this.

    • Hello Maureen,

      I feel Adrienne’s ability for training dogs is truly amazing. The professionals seem to agree. I have to say I have learned so much about training my sogs from this course. 

      Thanks for your participation!


  3. Thanks for this article on dog training course. I like the fact that you recommended Brain Training For Dogs as a great online dog training. The fact that there are dog training courses online will make training one’s dog easy, and done at home. I will definitely check the Brain Training For Dogs out to see how incredible it is, so I can tell my friends about it.

    • Hi Nelson,

      It truly is a great program. The main thing I learned from it was training my dogs to pay attention to me on command. 

      If you would like a little taste of Adrienne’s ability to get through to dogs you can fill out the form on the sidebar of any page on this site. If you do I will send you a free copy of the Airplane Game that helps you get your sog to pay attention to you on command. 

      Check it out!



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