How Can I Help You?

Thank you for visiting! I am refocusing my efforts to support the main goal in starting this site.

How Can I Help You?

I was diligently working the other day on some things to help the mechanics of this website and became frustrated with how much there is to do. I had to step away for a bit and while reflecting, it came to my realization how much I enjoy writing and engaging with the folks who are interested and are looking for a solution to a problem they are having.

That is the goal in starting this site was to improve the lives of all the coolest dogs on the planet while helping people make things a bit easier, bring higher quality, and be affordable. I am starting an effort to put myself back on the front page of the site. I have been so involved on the back end making things work, I found myself not present.

I am going to start helping people by asking what can I help you with? I have spent loads of time doing research and years of experience having multiple dogs myself. I am willing to put myself out there and provide my offerings to help you. Please reach out if you have a question or if you have a comment, you can leave it in the comment section of this page.

Do Not Hesitate

If you have that pestering issue that has to do with your dog, don’t wait! Jump right in and ask about it. If I don’t know the answer, I have people who I am connected to that I can reach out to and find an answer for you. If you don’t want it to be on the page in the comments for whatever reason, fill out the form to get the free dog training called the Airplane Game. I will send you the free dog training then you will have my email that I do respond to. You can also go to the Gallery to email me a picture of your coolest dog on the planet with a name and ask there.

I Can’t Wait To Hear From You

I am excited! I am ready to help! I am looking for you to help me help you! So scroll down to the bottom of this page and leave a comment, ask a question, What Can I Help You With?

For the coolest dogs on the planet!

Gotta get some swag!? Click on the mask!

ChadGroomyDude Face Mask


10 thoughts on “How Can I Help You?”

  1. Wow, you have got such a big heart and so much love for dogs, that you all willing to go all out to grant helps to whoever need help with their dogs. I am so touched by this great article but it is very unfortunate that our dog is no more, I would have loved to you ask for a help with the few problems we had with shadow then. 

    Thank you for sharing.

    • Hello Christina, 

      I know the joy that dogs have brought to my life is unmeasurable. I have had dogs I raised as a kid, I have had dogs I raised with my kids, and I have dogs that are being raised after my kids. Each and everyone has contributed to the happiness in our family. 

      I wish they could last forever. I am going to be real for a sec. Everyone knows their lifecycle is a bit shorter than humans. I think there might be a reason for that. I will say there is good in everything if you can see it. 

      A lot of folks go out and get a puppy not knowing that they just added a member to their family. We introduced Takoda (the name is Sioux for friend to everyone) to our family when our youngest son was born. We had the idea that they would grow up together and they did. There were times the dog and the kid needed to be strangled but life was good and there were many memories made that brought the essence of fulfillment to being a family.

      The time came (warning… hard part) when the end of our furmily member’s life was upon us. My son was 12. He lost someone he had not known life without. The uncomfortable wisdom this event had bestowed upon my son will last the rest of his life. I owe that to a dog. 

      To this day Takoda still comes up in conversation. We always remember the joy he had brought to everyone he was involved with. I believe that dogs are the best at providing unconditional love. The two Doodles we have now bring me so much joy when they are waiting to greet me after a long day at work. I can not imagine having a life without the excitement and joy that they bring. 

      If I can help one person experience that kind of fulfillment in life I am satisfied. If I can improve the life of one of the coolest dogs on the planet I will be overjoyed! 

      If anyone agrees with me, please join in on any conversation on this website and share. Ask a question, get involved to help me help others in the journey of life with dogs!




  2. I have been trying to figure out which is the best way to feed my dog. I think natural foods can be beneficial. Among them: meat (doesn’t matter if it is white or red), is supposed to be the basis of its diet; and carbohydrates, present in, rice or other cereals, can be complements in the dog’s diet.

    What else would you suggest?

    • Hi Ann,

      There is a lot to be said about how to properly feed a dog and I could lead you to a specific diet if I knew your dog a little better. I am not a vet but do have a couple of friends that are and we have talked about this in great detail when doing my research. 

      In general, you have to consider your pet’s needs by breed and size obviously. If you would like to read more on what to consider when making your choice check out What Is The Best Way To Feed Your Dog. There are several things to consider on this page such as read the label! Look for the stamp AAFCO or FDA. This will let you know the food you are providing will give them approximately 10% protein and 5% fat by bodyweight if you are giving them the amount their stomach will hold and on the correct intervals.

      I do suggest Hills in a lot of my articles because of their background in developing their foods. They have a massive amount of varieties and through compassionate and noninvasive methods, they continue to be the best. Hills is the number one veterinary suggested dog food. You can get more information on Hills at Hills Science Diet Review.

      I have a Yorkie that has an allergy to chicken. We have to buy a specific kind to accommodate her and the other two love it also so it works out for us. 

      If you are looking for the absolute best alternative, next to making your own dog food (I have an aunt that does this) but HungryBark provides a meal delivery service that is custom for your specific pet. You will have to complete a short interview to determine their needs. You can read more on that at Dogs Bark When They Are Hungry, Go To Hungry Bark. At the bottom of that page, you can click on the banner and save 20% on your first auto-ship!

      Like I said at the beginning, a lot to be said! I know this is a lot of info but I want to make sure you are getting all the information to make the best decision for your coolest dog on the planet!

      Thanks for asking!

      If I can clear anything up for you in the future please come back!



  3. Great Article for all the dog lovers out there.

    I grew up with a big family and we had several dogs, some big, some small, when I was a child, we didn’t have all the practical ways of caring for pets, we didn’t have cages, leashes or pets groomers, my parents how to figure out that aspect.

    I have a medium dog who we love so much! Now my question is.

    my dog is a mix of Sheppard and Hawnd, she sheds a lot and my two children have allergies, do you know what can I do to reduce my dogs hairs to stop lingering all over the house?

    Thanks in advance!

    • Hello Ana, 

      It sounds like you have a little bit of a tricky situation. I understand your dilemma. You have a dog who is part of the family but allergies can be a real problem. Even with some OTC medications, it can lighten the symptoms for people with allergies but who wants to medicate all the time!? 

      They do make several products to help keep the shedding under control such as special shampoos and specific ingredients in their food. All of it will help to an extent. 

      What I would suggest trying first is something no one wants to do at first but once it is normal it becomes a favorite pastime for you and your dog. It is as simple as a quick brushing. The trouble is it has to be done pretty much daily if the dog is a heavy shedder.

      They make special shedding brushes that help but the hair inevitably ends up in the air floating throughout the house and landing on the furniture. If you use this nice little attachment that you can put on your standard vacuum hose it will contain that hair as it is removed from the dog’s coat.

      Check out this link for the attachment I am referring to for a pet vacuum grooming brush.

      If you were to use this regularly the dog will find it as an enjoyable pastime and the hair you will see in the vacuum cleaner is hair that would have been in your house. You can actually see the results. 

      Something else I will mention is the HEPA filter on the vacuum. If your vacuum doesn’t have one you should buy one that does and keep the filter changed at suggested intervals. HEPA filters will actually catch the particles from the air that they are allergic to. They also make HEPA units that you can get at hardware stores made to just recycle the air in your house. Some even have a water trap to collect particulates so you can dispose of them instead of having them lay around the house. 

      I hope this helps! I know your kids love the dog and they will both love you for trying to solve this problem!

      Thanks for asking!


  4. I would love for you to meet my ex-dog. I shouldn’t really call her that, but do because she now lives with my ex-wife. But she’s not really my ex-wife because we are the best of friends, even though we have been living apart for 4 years. Anyway, she (the dog) is a brown Lab, and the gentlist, kindest, most adorable dog I’ve ever known. I am a nature photographer, so we have had many good adventures together. I have just moved back to the same city/province as my “ex”, so it is pretty cool to be able to see Maggie again and throw sticks for her, after such a long time apart. She is getting fairly close to being on her last legs, so I am going to make the best of it!

    • Hi Craig,

      I love meeting new dogs! If you would like to get her in the gallery on this site I could meet her that way! Being a photographer I am sure you have a picture you could email with her name to

      Your story is proof of the special connection we have with our dogs. Despite the situation, we always try to find ways to spend time with them and I am sure she loves taking those special trips with you. 

      Thanks for stopping by!


  5. Awesome! I know several people who run dog (and cat) rescue shelters and they sometimes struggle with the dynamics of bringing in a new rescue and making him a part of the existing rescue pack. (I used to rescue but had to stop due to lack of donations, that’s how I know them) They could use some tips. There’s a dog trainer that sometimes offers some hours to them,  but he’s very busy. I’ll let them know about this site! 

    • Why thank you Christine! 

      I hope that it helps them. If they reach out I will surely help how I can, I would love to interact with someone who is so dedicated to improving the lives of the coolest dogs on the planet!

      Mixing can be complicated but there are some tricks to try. 

      Thanks for sharing this info, hope to hear from them!



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